Thursday 9 December 2010

The Start of Something Big!

So after a while, my blog is coming alive. It’s a hard thing to design a blog so that you feel that it reflects you (and I’m not there yet).

But it’s better to start and let things grow, than just sit and wait for inspiration to start.

Now that sounds like my papercrafting – looking at colours, putting card together, trying combinations, taking stamps from different sets of the wonderful Stampin’ Up! range - and seeing what looks right, what fills you with a ‘Yes, that’s what I wanted to achieve!’, ‘That’s perfect for them!’

Over the coming days, weeks, even years you will hear about my love of papercrafting and see some of my projects. Interspersed with this, will no doubt be stories about the ‘manic monsters’ that share the house (but never my studio) – aka Charlie and Monty, two British Blue cats.

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